
If you have a passion for helping others and understanding the science behind drug development and medical treatment, 从事制药科学是一个了不起的选择. 而制药科学家可能不会直接治疗病人, they provide the basis for countless medical treatment options and pharmaceutical progress.

非常适合那些舒适的实验室环境与诀窍的实验, 药理学可以在医疗保健领域打开无数机会的大门. 这个行业的收入也很高. According to PayScale, pharmaceutical scientists make an average of nearly $81,000 annually.




药理学家专门从事这种实验, analysis, 以及药物开发和药物资源的研究.

They focus on an elaborate set of laboratory responsibilities that dive deeper into pharmaceutical advancement. 从开发新药到测试治疗方案的有效性, a pharmaceutical scientist is the analytical brain behind the medical solutions used in hospitals and pharmacies every day.

It’s important to note that pharmaceutical companies hire professionals for research in all sorts of areas of biologic research, 包括生物技术专家, molecular biologists, 生物医学研究人员, etc. 制药科学只是制药公司业务的一个组成部分.


The typical responsibilities of a pharmaceutical scientist will vary based on the specific field of pharmacology the scientist specializes in. Generally speaking, some of the most common responsibilities of a pharmaceutical scientist include:

  • Testing and enhancing pharmaceutical compounds to deliver and improve effectiveness while also preventing negative side effects.
  • 和一群科学家一起在制药实验室工作, researchers, 和潜在的利益相关者交流实验结果.
  • Collecting and evaluating current medical data about pharmaceutical resources and treatment effectiveness, 贯穿临床前过程的所有阶段.
  • Creating and organizing pharmaceutical trials and experiments to learn more about the functions and effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs and treatment options.


有了合适的教育和经验,你可以成为一名制药科学家, but there are certain characteristics that can definitely help an aspiring pharmaceutical scientist land a great position in the field. 一个成功的制药科学家应该具备的一些技能包括:

实验室的信心 -有能力的科学家应该在实验室环境中茁壮成长. 实验技能是任何有抱负的科学家必须具备的特质, 但由于制药科学家经常处理医疗数据和研究, 在实验室里,自信对成功来说更为重要. Strong dexterity, technical writing, 正确的消毒措施, 其他的实验规程也会被遵守.

Communicative – Being able to properly communicate recent developments or new research to other scientists or healthcare professionals is a key element to making sure the work you’re completing is valued and implemented. Articulating your findings and presenting them in a cohesive and comprehensive way is a trait any pharmaceutical scientist should strive to have.

Organized 制药科学家经常被要求同时进行大量的实验, 所以作为一名成功的制药科学家,组织能力是至关重要的. 保持条理还可以使实验以正确的方式进行, 它确保所有的实验室设备被正确使用, 它有助于管理时间,在截止日期前交付准确的结果.

Analytical -作为一名制药科学家,你一直在进行研究. Being able to properly analyze a surplus of medical data is a crucial skill for any pharmaceutical scientist. Having a desire to ask questions and learn -- and then design strategies to answer those questions is essential. Being able to think critically and solve complex problems to help develop new medications is a common component of the pharmaceutical career path.

Collaborative -类似于有效沟通, being open to collaboration is helpful when working with other scientists and stakeholders in your workplace environment. Many triumphant pharmaceutical developments came from a team of scientists working together with a common goal, 所以协作技能是必须的.


For those wondering how to become a pharmaceutical scientist, here are the necessary steps. Many pharmaceutical scientists can land a position within a lab after only four to five years of education, while some will take extra time to gain additional experience before applying for a pharmaceutical scientist position. Generally, the journey of an aspiring pharmacologist will feature these key steps before they’re fully immersed in the field.


There are many skills to master and much scientific knowledge to gain before becoming a pharmaceutical scientist that can only be attained by pursuing a bachelor's degree. The easiest way to learn how to become a pharmaceutical scientist is to surround yourself with peers and dedicated faculty within a bachelor of science program. 大多数制药科学家会选择这样做 major in biology化学、药理学、医学,有时甚至是工程学.


While it is possible to find a position within the field after getting a bachelors of science, 许多制药科学家将攻读硕士学位以获得更多的经验. Graduates interested in pharmaceutical science often choose to master in pharmaceutical science, biomedical science, 因为药理学很大程度上依赖于化学, 毕业生还可以获得化学硕士学位. (在GMercyU,所有生物专业的学生都辅修化学,这让你可以选择这条路.)

All of these fields open the door to even more employment and research opportunities in the pharmacological side of biotechnology research. 为制药科学家寻求提升他们的职业生涯或以后追求博士学位, 获得硕士学位是为实现这一目标做准备的绝佳途径.


同时获得理学学士或硕士学位, students will gain helpful field experience in order to prepare for the typical responsibilities of a pharmaceutical scientist. 实验室经验是关键, as is training in the foundational sciences A research internship is also beneficial; many students specifically interested in pharmaceutical science may wish to pursue an internship specifically with a pharmaceutical company.


After you’ve successfully achieved your higher education goals and have gained the necessary experience and lab skills, 是时候开始找工作了.

取决于在整个教育过程中选择的专业, 制药科学家可以在这个领域找到许多令人满意的职业. 而许多人的目标是在制药公司或医院工作, 就业机会也可以在学术研究实验室找到, government agencies, 生物技术公司, 法医实验室, and more.

有些人在获得博士学位后可能会选择成为教育工作者. A PhD can also lead to greater responsibility within an organization and career advancement.


作为一个不断扩大的领域,其特点是薪资前景乐观, 学习如何成为一名制药科学家是一个令人满意的职业决定. Perfect for organized critical thinkers with a dedication to understanding the inner workings of drug development, 制药科学是一个令人兴奋的职业道路,有许多工作机会. A great way to begin your journey is to earn your degree with GMercyU’s research-intensive bachelor of science in biology program.

该计划强调分子和细胞生物学, genetics, and biochemistry, 包括化学基础课程, physics, 还有数学——以至于所有生物专业的学生都要辅修化学. 许多德国生物大学的毕业生在当地的制药行业担任各种职务.

Earn your biology degree with the scientific resources you need and the educational support you deserve to succeed at GMercyU. 今天了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站GMercyU的生物学项目!